01727 617 212 info@FabOffice.co.uk

Businesses these days are dependant on the internet for cloud based apps, VOIP phone services, email and cloud storage services. If for whatever reason there is no internet connection then it simply means that no business can be done. 

All serviced office centre’s provide internet as part of the package. From time to time there will be occasions when the internet is down. It happened at Fab Office -St.Albans when a workman in the street accidentally dug through the internet cable.

Fortunately, for all those businesses at Fab Office – St.Albans, this did not pose a problem.

The building is served by two separate internet connections served by two separate internet service provides. The cables enter the building from different points of the building.

During normal operation, both internet connections are ‘bound’ together to provide blisteringly fast internet speed for all users. In the rare event of a failure with one internet connection, the remaining connection ensures that it’s business as usual for all our occupants.

At Fab Office, we understand how important internet connection is to modern day businesses which is why we have built in resilience to ensure your business is always connected.

To discuss your office requirements Get In Touch Today.

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